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Do you want to:
maximize your company's value?
enjoy more time and freedom?
while building a strong business that continues to grow through generations?
I can help you achieve that.
We use a statistically proven system called The Value Builder System™, designed by John Warrillow, best-selling author of Built to Sell, named by Inc. and Fortune magazines among the top 10 business books for business owners.
Based on data from over 55,000 businesses, owners who follow this system typically increase the value of their company by 71%.

As a Certified Value Builder™ I can bring this system to you.

With the Value Builder System™ we will:
use statistically proven methodology to increase the value of your company
measure your company's performance across 8 dimensions
do an assessment of your Value Builder Score™ and improve company's valuation overtime.
raise investor capital, create freedom from your day to day operations and prepare your business to sell or transition.
Here are your options:

Self Service
Option 1: Self Service
Here are Value Builder™ online business modules available for you.
Learn business strategies at your own pace, choose from these options.
Option 2: Comprehensive One/One Coaching
You may have your own strategies on how to grow your business
and build company value, but you may lack the right
tools and resources to achieve your goal.
Having regular one-on-one coaching sessions will help you develop long-term and attainable goals and strategies for your business. This can accelerate your results compared to doing the business on your own.
Join hundreds of other business owners increase their profits and
improve their bottom line. If you are ready to commit to business growth,
contact Del Fujinaka.
Option 3: Hokupa'a Roundtable Mastermind Group
Meet and collaborate with like-minded business owners,
helping and supporting each other, learning from each other's mistakes and successes.
Available very soon...
One-on-one coaching
Mastermind Group
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